Sunday, September 21, 2008

Philosophy 101

So, what do you do when you’re suffering? What beliefs, or foundation, do you have to hold onto? Well, if you have no beliefs, then you don’t have those to hold onto. What is foundation? Well – it’s faith – faith in something meaningful about yourself – something important – Well, when we are attached to something and our foundation is shaken, we start to fall in a deep pit. I think the process of experience is what matters most to most people and as far as everything else goes – I think you can take a little from each culture and combine them and some sort of explanation will be there. Although, I’ve found the world to be full of surprises and nothing can be for certain. It’s hard to enjoy the process if you have little faith in something meaningful to yourself. What is meaningful? I mean what is really meaningful? What do we humans put our faith in when our minds face? I put my faith in what has been labeled love. Why? Because it feels so good emotionally and physically.

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